Restoration projects come our way with fair regularity. We've done chairs, tables,
and who-knows-what-all. These projects tend to be older pieces of value (sentimental and otherwise) to the owner. Well, certainly valuable enough to pay us to bring them back around. Simply click on the images to see project details.

This solid oak table was well-worn and much cherished. It also was mismatched to the new kitchen cabinets the owner had put in. A complete stripping was in order.

Turning a rain soaked old desk into something worthwhile is not a task for the faint of heart. Prior to getting in, make sure you are either getting paid up front or the thing can sell for enough to make it worth your time.

Here's one result of our taking on the rain soaked desk project. We actually acquired two desks. A third was too far gone, but we harvested the metal parts and built a completely new desk in the style of the original.
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